Spring and Summer Fitness Goals — Start Now

Air Force staff sergeant runs with dog.
U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Jesse Galvan, 386th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron military working dog handler, runs in the early morning with his dog, Ritz, July 19, 2014, at an undisclosed location in Southwest Asia. (Staff Sgt. Jeremy Bowcock/U.S. Air Force photo)

We are almost on the back side of winter. Some regions in the United States may feel the sting of winter a few more weeks, but it is getting to be that time of year in many parts of the South.

Regardless of where you live, eventually you will want to do spring and summer things and end this winter hibernation. This may require you to increase your fitness level to prepare for new activities or just to feel better when wearing fewer clothes. 

Here is a list of common spring/summer goals and some tips and links to help with the short-term goals:

1. Getting ready for summer training. Are you a military candidate/active duty/ROTC/service academy getting ready for some type of boot camp, basic training or summer seminar-type training? If so, get on a program to start to prepare not just for the service-branch PT test you will have to take, but also some events you are bound to experience. Group runs, rucking, military-style PT (push-ups, sit-ups, pull-ups, squats, lunges, abs) and maybe even swimming, depending upon the training you seek, will require time to prepare adequately. See related links for ideas: Summer Seminar, CFA Training, PFT Training, Prepare for Basic Training, Assess Your Fitness.

As spring pushes into the summer and fall, many competitive athletes like to get ready for the racing season. Depending upon what you are preparing for, start on a progressive program so you do not start doing too much right out of the gate and get injured. 

Regardless, the time to start is now. Generally speaking, progress logically with about a 10% to 15% increase in distance/time training each week. See related links for more idea: Running Plans, Obstacle Course Racing, Triathlon Training.

2. Summer sports leagues. Many teens are involved in summer sports leagues where their college hopes require a solid performance during their 10th- and 11th-grade years, in order for colleges to see them as a viable candidate for recruiting.

3. Start preparing your body for the rigors of sports. Get used to the heat and run, work on speed and agility, and lift weights during the spring for more durability in your sport. Make sure you are not just practicing the skills of your sport, but focus on elements that will make you better athletes (strength, power, endurance, muscle stamina, flexibility, mobility, speed, agility). 

Do not get a late start on these elements of fitness and sports skills. Building some work capacity for multiple games in a single day and long weekends is critical for you during the summer tournament leagues that are now so much a part of college athletic recruiting.

4. Get outside and enjoy nature. If you are like many who enjoy going camping, hiking, mountain climbing or other nature activities, start getting prepared for the rigors of some of those activities if you have been fairly sedentary during the winter.

If you are in a region where winter activities like skiing, skating or cross country skiing are common, you may be pretty fit but might need to start changing things up with your training if you are going to continue your high level of outdoor activity during the warmer months. 

Each week will offer you opportunities to train in warmer weather. If you can, progress with the temperature increases each week so you will handle the transition from cold to hot, non-impact to impact cardio and weight-bearing activities better.

Get out and walk, run, ruck.

5. Weight loss: Feeling better in less clothing: Weight gain from Halloween throughout the New Year is not uncommon. Now after New Year's Goals/Resolutions (attempts/failures), the spring is time to take it seriously again. You may have to start addressing your eating habits and be disciplined with smaller portions, but it is better to combine better diet with more activity. See ideas for more weight-loss activities: 1000 Calories of Activity, Weight Loss Tips, Move More Eat Less.

If New Year's resolutions did not start you on a path to increased activity, maybe the nicer weather will. Get out, walk and start adding more activity to your day now, and the spring and summer activities during which you can wear shorts, swimsuits and sleeveless shirts will be much more enjoyable. If your summer is based on performance fitness, now is the time to start the progression to your sports/training goals.

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you're looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to stew@stewsmith.com.

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