What's Involved in an MMA Metabolic Resistance Workout The one thing every MMA fighter has in common is a powerful athletic physique built from metabolic resistance training.
Combat Conditioning and Fitness Testing There are two types of training you must be prepared for to become a member of special operations of any branch of service or...
Mixed Martial Arts vs. Street Fighting There's no doubt that mixed martial arts competitors are highly skilled, but how would they fare in a real street fight...
The #1 Secret to Surviving a Ground Fight With the popularity of mixed martial arts these days and "no holds barred" fighting, there's been an increasing demand for...
Is Your Martial Arts Training Backward? Learning how to avoid a fight should be the very first thing martial arts instructors teach in their schools.
How to Deal with Gangs This can be a scary situation when you're in an unfamiliar area and are faced with the real possibility of becoming an easy...
Halloween Edged Weapon Training? Halloween stores are a close combat trainer's paradise when it comes to training for edged weapon defense.
Distraction as a Self-Defense Tool We talk so much about the "first strike" as being a punch, but rarely do people consider using "distraction" as a self...
Can You Block a Punch? My first martial arts instructor had a unique style of teaching how to block a punch. He'd stand you up against a wall and...
Amazing Jedi Mind Trick for Self-Defense How you look and act have a huge effect on your chances of being attacked.
The Minimum Standards of Fitness for the Average Joe After having coached many "average Joes," I have a few exercises and events I like to help people build up to and maintain.
The Case for Never Skipping Leg Day Here are all the health and wellness benefits you may be neglecting by not exercising your legs.
How to Improve the Load-Bearing Skills Required by the Military Through Fitness You need a foundation of strength to be durable enough to handle carrying boats, logs, rucksacks, people, water jugs and ammo...
Don't Like Working Out? Here’s How to Make Your Fitness Journey More Enjoyable Setting long-term goals such as losing 50 pounds, making a sports team or preparing for regular military or special...
From Recruitment to Readiness: The 6 Critical Fitness Mistakes Every Future Service Member Must Avoid Whether you're aiming for the conventional military or a career in special operations, there are best practices you should...