If the PT pyramid (pull-ups x1, push-ups x2, abs x3) is too difficult or too easy, there is a simple way to adjust to help you reach your goal of an upward or downward progression. The TRX suspension system is a tool that allows for this scaling of the workout to fit multiple fitness levels. Here is a classic PT workout with exercise options to help you do it and progress toward your fitness goals.

Scaling down the classic PT pyramid
The PT Pyramid 1-10-1: If this workout is too difficult (100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, 300 abs in a total of 19 sets), then consider not going all the way to 10 as your primary answer to adjusting this workout. Or you can do pulldowns or dumbbell rows for pull-ups after you fail. You also can do knee push-ups if you fail at push-ups.
The abs can be broken up into multiple exercises, such as plank poses per second equaling a repetition, crunches in place of sit-ups, knee-ups or flutter kicks, for example. I like to do plank poses in the TRX for time. Each second in plank = a repetition on the pyramid.
How to use the TRX to adjust to make this workout easier:
When you fail at pull-ups, replace with TRX rows or TRX biceps curls to work the pulling muscles. Make sure you lean back to challenge yourself with the TRX. If you need it to be easier, adjust the angle of your body closer to vertical to scale this exercise for your abilities. Note: In these videos, I like to add in a squat to work the legs as well. That is optional.
How to use the TRX and other methods to adjust to make this workout harder:
If 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups and 300 abs of choice is an easy-day workout, here are some ideas how to make it a little tougher and add a challenge:
- Go higher than 10 on the pyramid. Try 1-12-1, and that will equal 144 pull-ups.
- Add a weight vest. A vest of 10-20 pounds can challenge the ability to do 100 pull-ups.
- Try the TRX atomic push-up in place of push-ups or maybe start off with 100 TRX push-ups/100 regular push-ups.
- Add in dips (x2) or military presses (x2) to enhance the pushing exercises in different planes of movement. This will challenge push-ups, too.
- TRX abs are much tougher than sit-ups or crunches. Performing any ab exercise using the TRX will challenge your ability to complete 300 reps of core exercises easily. TRX rollouts, planks and side planks with weight vest are some of the many ideas available. The best way is to select a variety of core exercises, vs. just doing 300 of the same exercise, as it requires more to work all the core muscles than just sit-ups/crunches.
Progressing with fitness training is a process and sometimes can be done with workouts you have done for years or workouts you never have considered because of your current conditioning. Get creative and strive to try new or old workouts, but with scalable options to help you get through it. The main rule is to select exercises that work the same muscle groups (upper-body pulling, pushing, core) for this specific PT pyramid.
Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you’re looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to stew@stewsmith.com.
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