Why Attracting Overweight Recruits Is a Huge Problem A shocking 20% of all male recruits and 40% of female recruits are too heavy to enter into the military ranks.
Debunking 3 Common Weight-Loss Myths I have had an alarming number of emails that asked similar questions about quick weight loss through diets, diet pills or...
Ask Stew: How Do I Lose Those Stubborn Last 5-10 Pounds? It sounds like you are doing everything right when it comes to burning calories, so you have to take a closer look at what...
How to Push Past a Weight-Loss Plateau If you're just starting to work out, you might lose weight quickly. But how do you get over a weight-loss plateau?
Calories In and Calories Out: Is It That Simple? Think weight loss is just about eating less and exercising more? It's only part of the equation.
How You Can Get into Shape While Watching TV I am currently trying to recover from bronchitis. It has lasted for 4 weeks so far. My doctor doesn't want to give me any...
Why Pumping Iron Isn't Your Best Hope for Shedding Pounds Pumping iron is great, but traditional weightlifting does not burn fat as effectively as, say, running or rowing.
'You Can Make It Happen': Inside One Military Spouse's Weight-Loss Journey As a fitness writer, I often get testimonials from people using fitness programs that I have developed, and they all motivate...
Ask Stew: Suggestions for Losing Weight When You're on the Other Side of 50 Here is an email from someone seeking to lose excess weight, help reducing their blood pressure and overall just get...
The Three Biggest Mistakes Overweight Americans Make with Weight Loss Do you know the three biggest mistakes overweight Americans make with physical fitness and weight loss that kill their...
How to Meet Your Strength and Conditioning Goals in One Fitness Workout We all need to be strong and have cardio conditioning, and there are many ways to develop both.
How to Measure Your Level of Everyday Fitness Essential health and fitness standards depend on what you need to be capable of doing on a daily basis, but are you prepared...
Science Says It's Not Too Late to Start Your Fitness Journey Now It is never too late to start, whether you took a few decades off from exercising after your early 20s or are entirely new to...
The Most Challenging Push Workout for Military Fitness In the tactical fitness world, we will create a choreography of exercises and movements to embody every pushing activity you...
How to Avoid Pain When Using a Foam Roller There is a line when foam rolling that you do not want to cross: the delicate balance between beneficial pressure and...