Wow, My Husband Just Lost His Mind


This weekend, I am taking a trip to visit some good friends I've made via SpouseBUZZ: Heather S and AirForceWife.  And AirForceFamily has some sort of Super Mega Secret Surprise cooked up for me on Tuesday.  I have no idea what it is, and my husband is the insanely curious type.  I was just telling him about this Surprise when he called me from Iraq, and we had this hilarious exchange:

Sarah: I have no idea what they have planned.
Husband: I wonder what it is.  You'll have to call me when you get home Tuesday night and tell me.
Sarah: Um, honey, I can't call you.
Husband:  Huh?  Oh yeah.
Sarah: (Uproarious laughter)

I'll call you, husband, as soon as you give me your phone number!

Story Continues

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