Military Spouse of the Year 2018 Nominees Announced

(Military Spouse of the Year 2018)

It's that time again -- military spouses around the world have been nominated to be the next Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year. ...

... and now you get to vote.

Every year the process to name the newest Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year goes through a parade of stages.

But only a few of them are totally up to you. You get to nominate a spouse. And you get to vote for the first round of winners -- spouses who will represent each base, region or sector worldwide. 

And then it's moved out of your hands for awhile. A panel of judges, including past winners and senior spouses, then selects the top 18 winners, with representatives from each branch and the National Guard.

Next you get to weigh in again, selecting service winners from among those top 18. After the panel  does more work and the top five are announced, you get to vote for the ultimate winner. Your input is combined with the panel's, until the winner is ultimately announced at the awards dinner scheduled for mid-May.

But for now? It's all you. The panel is cool and all, but now is when you have the most influence.

Who will make it to the base-level winner level? You get to decide.

Voting is only open until Feb. 9, so you better get cracking!

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