Tactical Fitness: Pushing a 7-Minute Mile to a 6-Minute Mile

First Class Midshipmen Jock Tracey and Jordan Bethke set the pace in the 1.5-mile run during the Explosives Ordnance Disposal Summer Cruise physical screening test at Naval Base San Diego, June 1, 2011. (Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Benjamin Kittleson/U.S. Navy photo)

Hello, Stew!

Hello, Stew!

I want to attend Marine OCS next summer, but my running time is holding me back a bit -- it's 24 minutes for three miles. I can max the pull-ups and crunches but would love to drop my three-mile time at least 2-3 minutes. Do you have any plans or suggestions to help?

Sure do. First, you likely have built a decent foundation of running, so working up to running three miles should not be difficult. You are feeling no pain, I assume.

If you are good to go on that front, it is time to add some pacing drills to build up your running speed and VO2 max.

Here are some of my favorite running workouts that will help you bring your eight-minute mile to a seven-minute mile. Once you get to a seven-minute mile and that is easy, you can push to the next level: the six-minute mile and maxing the Marine Corps three-mile run.

Main workout for pacing at first. Learn the new pace:

Warmup run 1 mile, any pace

Repeat 10 times

Quarter-mile at 7-minute mile pace (1:45)

(no faster/no slower)

rest 50 seconds

Cooldown run 1 mile at any pace

As you progress, you can do half-mile distances, three-quarter-mile distances and mile repeats at your new goal pace. Repeat as many times as you can and rest 50% of the time it takes you to run.

Mix in some leg PT as well because the two things that will get tired are your lungs and legs.

Repeat 6 times

Half-mile at goal pace (3:30)

Squats 20

Lunges 10/leg

Light stretch if needed

Sprint/jog workouts: This will take you off your pace, but push your heart rate as the goal is to get really winded and try to recover with a jog (not a walk).

1-mile warmup jog

Repeat 4 times

Quarter-mile sprint

Quarter-mile jog

Repeat 8 times

Eighth-mile sprint

Eighth-mile job

1-mile cooldown run 

I would do each one of these types of workouts weekly. If you prefer, you can add in another goal-pace drill workout. Also add in a steady, slower-paced (LSD -- long, slow distance) run to maintain your distance ability.

If you have any issues with pain, try to stretch, foam-roll soft tissue or rest and go with non-impact options, if needed.

Tabata intervals are some good non-impact VO2 max workouts, and they can be done on bikes, elliptical or rowers.

The goal is to push for about 7-8 minutes of a 20-second sprint, followed by 10 seconds easy -- do this for 7-8 minutes. Stop, stretch, and loosen up and repeat again until you have nothing left in the tank. Pushing the next minute faster on your mile pace runs requires you to push yourself even when not running.

Some other options: 3-5 mile Timed Run Workout

Good luck with the next level of running. Keep pushing.

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you're looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to stew@stewsmith.com.

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