How to Build the Mental Toughness Required of Special Operations Selections Most people, even scientists studying physiology and psychology, are puzzled by the mind-body connection.
6 Game-Changing Workout Strategies for Beginners or Anyone Restarting Their Fitness Journey Many people new to fitness or experiencing prolonged absences wonder how often they should work out as beginners and what...
4 Reasons to Remove the ‘Pullout’ from Military Swim Fitness Tests When taking military swimming tests that require the breaststroke or the side stroke (also known as the combat side stroke...
How to Structure Swim Workouts for Navy Diver Training Preparing for future military swimming and diving training requires spending several days a week in the pool.
5 Rules for Adding Workouts to Your Military Unit's Daily PT Sessions Adding workouts for your group at your military unit's morning PT sessions each week is one of the more difficult things to...
How the Tactical Athlete Benefits from Cardio Exercises After Leg Workouts For most athletes, leg days and cardio challenge the body and mind, but for tactical athletes, topping off leg days with...
How to Add Stretching and Breathing Exercises into Your Daily Fitness Training Since breathing is the first and last thing we do on this Earth, it makes sense to be good at it for all our breaths in...
5 Important Questions 50- to 60-Year-Olds Should Ask to Start Building for Longevity As people transition into their 50s, 60s and beyond, the importance of health and wellness becomes increasingly evident.
How to Add Old-School Speed and Agility Drills to Your Military Fitness Training The military's need for speed and agility has proven helpful for various tasks, especially among ground fighters.
The Most Common Military Service Fitness Training Errors Many people are doing the wrong workouts that lack the specific requirements of military testing, basic training and special...
Army Secretary Fires 4-Star General Who Meddled in Promotion of Unfit Subordinate Army Secretary Christine Wormuth -- in a dramatic and rare move -- on Tuesday fired one of the service's top generals...
Compromise Defense Bill Would Give Junior Troops 14.5% Pay Raise in 2025 Junior enlisted service members will get a 14.5% pay raise next year under a compromise defense bill expected to pass...
Military Leaders Are Rattled by a List of 'Woke' Officers That a Group Urges Hegseth to Fire The list compiled by the American Accountability Foundation includes 20 general officers or senior admirals and a...
'We Saw the Opportunity': Pentagon Says Syria Strikes Were Possible After Assad and Russia Left Pentagon officials say that the massive strikes against more than 75 Islamic State terrorist group targets in Syria over the...
Air National Guard Units Set to Transfer to Space Force Under Defense Bill Despite States' Opposition Nearly 600 Air National Guardsmen who focus on space missions would be transferred to the Space Force against the wishes of...