One of the Most Popular Coast Guardsmen in History Was This Beloved Dog One of the most popular U.S. Coast Guardsmen in the history of the service had a tendency to sleep while on duty, did not...
Soldier Reunited with Dog He Met While Deployed Overseas For eight months, Army Spc. Landon Gnade and his puppy Lepo called Camp Nothing Hill in northern Kosovo home. Before...
Is Pet Health Insurance Right For Your Best Friend? As any pet owner knows, there are costs associated with owning a pet. While it's hard to anticipate accidents or illness, you...
5 Ways to Cut the Costs of Military Pet Ownership Here are 5 ways that servicemembers and their families can cut some of the costs of owning a pet.
Moving with Pets It can be easy to forget about pets in the course of preparing for and making a move, but it always pays to plan ahead.
New United Policy Bans Breeds, Sizes -- and Has No Military Exceptions Military members on Guam with dogs banned by United Airlines may soon not be able to move their pets off the island.
The Military's New Pet Transportation Policy: What It Means to You Military service members will be reimbursed for some of the costs of moving one dog or cat when moving on permanent change of...
Potential Rabies Cure Discovered by Defense Department Researchers The treatment, a monoclonal antibody, has been tested only in mice but could pave the way for curing other viral diseases of...
Two Dogs Die on PCS Flight from South Korea to Seattle, 1 Year After String of Pet Deaths The dogs and their owners boarded their flight at Osan Air Base and had a four-hour stop at Misawa Air Base in Japan before...
Pet-Friendly Hotels with Military Discounts There are many hotel chains that offer both military discounts and pet-friendly accommodations.
What's in Store for VA Disability Benefits with New Office of Management and Budget Chief? New OMB Director Russell Vought has contributed to two conservative playbooks that advocate for the revamping of veterans'...
Military Drops Recruiting Efforts at Prestigious Black Engineering Awards Event Until this week, Army Recruiting Command had a public partnership with the Black Engineer of the Year Awards, or BEYA, an...
In One of the Marines' Most Iconic Jobs, a Stunning Pattern of Suicide Marine Corps drill instructors are a national symbol of discipline. But for some, their imposing persona belies a dark reality.
Biography of Civil War Veteran Banned as Military Schools Cull Books and Lessons Under Trump Orders A review of content taught at the Department of Defense Education Activity schools has resulted in restrictions of lessons on...
Airman Promotion Test to Tech Sergeant Delayed as Air Force Combs Documents for Subjects Banned by Trump The testing cycle, which was scheduled to begin Saturday and go through April 15, will be pushed back to March 3 and will...