Four Common Denominators to Help You Graduate to Spec Ops Because of proper physical training, your body has a better foundation to remain fit throughout training and not become...
Explaining Marine RECON and MARSOC There are two types of RECON Marines: "Battalion" & "Force" RECON. The training paths for Marines in both RECON units are...
How to Achieve a Good Score on the Army Airborne PFT If you are preparing to become a member of a special operations group, you must graduate from the Army Basic Airborne Course...
What You Should Know About the New Special Forces/Special Operations Fitness Test There is a new Special Forces/Special Operations fitness test making its way around the team areas and creating a fun and...
How to Swim the Combat Swimmer Stroke When people first try the combat swimmer stroke, they often can look silly. Even swimmers have issues with this stroke.
Don't Get Discouraged by Failing at Workouts. Get Motivated. Motivation through times of growth is critical. It is no one’s job but yours to motivate yourself to train and put in the...
Ask Stew: Adventure Racing Preparation As with any tough program in the adventure racing world, as well as the military spec ops selection programs, putting in the...
Ask Stew: The Road from USMC to Navy SEAL BUD/S Stew Smith, a Navy SEAL veteran, answers a question from a reader about how to enter the Marine Corps and transition to being...
Which Spec Ops Is Right for Me? You cannot go wrong whether you decide to be a firefighter, EMT, police SWAT member or part of a military special operations...
Troop Pardons Set to Complicate Military's Muddled Response to Jan. 6 As Trump prepares to take office Monday, he has vowed to move quickly on a key campaign promise to pardon many, if not all...
Service Members Are No Longer Banned from Displaying the American Flag Horizontally at Major Events It might come as a surprise, but U.S. service members weren't technically allowed to unfurl giant U.S. flags at major events...
In Her Final Days in Office, Army Secretary Formally Establishes Service's Command Review Program The service's Command Assessment Program was established to remove bias from the selection process for command billets.
Matthew Livelsberger's Widow Breaks Silence, Refutes 'Misinformation About My Family' The widow of Matthew Livelsberger — the Colorado Springs Green Beret who died by suicide in a rented Tesla Cybertruck seconds...
The Battle over Veterans’ Health Care: How the Republican Majority Hopes to Reshape the VA With the new Congress sworn in and President-elect Trump poised for his second inauguration, Republicans have queued up a...