Dear Pentagon: Quit Screwing Around and Buy the Ripsaw Tank from 'Fate of the Furious' Already If it’s good enough for family, it’s good enough for U.S. service members.
Meet the Infantry Squad Vehicle: the Unholy Union of Pickup Truck and UTV Believe it or not, this next-generation military vehicle uses 90% off-the-shelf Chevy components.
Company Chief Puts Country over Self During WWII It didn't take GM President William S. Knudsen long to make up his mind. President Franklin D. Roosevelt needed him.
Marines Put Amphibious Combat Vehicles Back into the Ocean After Safety Stand-Down The Marines said that the vehicles will now conduct training maneuvers only in waves that are, at a maximum, four feet.
Marines’ New Amphibious Combat Vehicles Will Start Arriving at Units Ahead of Schedule Marine Corps modernization officials said the service has completed testing of its new amphibious combat vehicle, or ACV.
Soldiers Have Ideas for the Army on How to Improve the Future Robotic Combat Vehicle Soldiers at Fort Carson want improvements added to the Army's Robotic Combat Vehicle prototypes.
Meet Ripsaw M5, Textron's Unmanned Battle Wagon "You are going to need to have smaller robots come out of this robot for [situational awareness] purposes."
Oshkosh, Flyer Will Build Army’s Ultralight Vehicle for Carrying Grunts into Battle The Army's Infantry Squad Vehicle will be a highly transportable platform for moving grunts into the fight.
Army IDs 2 Soldiers Killed in Kuwait Vehicle Collision The Army has released the identities of two Reserve Soldiers killed while conducting military operations in Kuwait.
2 Soldiers Dead After Reported Vehicle Accident in Kuwait Two deployed soldiers in Kuwait were killed Tuesday in a mishap that reportedly left other troops injured.
Hegseth Grilled About Women in Combat, Officer Purge in Confirmation Hearing Pete Hegseth, President-elect Donald Trump's nominee to lead the Pentagon, dismissed allegations that he committed sexual...
Army Veteran Caught Faking Severe PTSD, Purple Heart Award to Steal $779,000, Feds Say Kevin Paul McMains, of Milton, Florida, was sentenced to two years and nine months in prison for theft of government money...
'Going the Wrong Way:' Booting Marines from Okinawa Could Embolden China, Commandant Says Gen. Eric Smith said the planned transfer of Okinawa-based Marines to Guam in the coming years will distance the force from a...
2 New Ford-Class Aircraft Carriers Will Be Named After Former Presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush While the White House publicized the decision, the responsibility and authority to name ships lies squarely in the hands of...
Navy Leaders Say Faster Training Is Key Lesson Learned from Red Sea Conflict Navy officials began to open up about the lessons they are learning from the months of sustained combat in the Red Sea...