You Could Impact Spouse Federal Hiring


It's probably no surprise to you as a military spouse, but many in the civilian community don't realize it: researchers at the National Defense Research Institute (RAND) uncovered differences in employment opportunities between average military spouses in comparison to civilian spouses. Military spouses are often employed at lower rates, earning less than civilian spouses. The researchers explained that the military lifestyle negatively influenced employment opportunities because the military lifestyle often involved frequent moves, deployments, and less assistance from service members with parenting because of long absences.

Because you're a military spouse you know best how maintaining the household during frequent deployments, emotional strain from multiple long separations, increased economic anxieties and child care concerns negatively influence your employment opportunities.


Do you believe being a military spouse adversely influenced your employment options? If so, have you wondered if employment in the U.S. Federal Civil Service might be a good option for you? Civil service jobs can allow employees the chance to transfer within the federal government after a relocation -- something that's probably very appealing to military spouses who frequently move. The chance to work towards promotion and retirement could be a big change for spouses who are used to leaving their company every few years.

Employment disadvantages faced by military spouses need to be investigated. And that's why I'm here.

Help me research this.

Understanding military spouses' experiences when seeking civil service employment may uncover valuable insights for leaders in charge of hiring programs and practices in the U.S. Federal Civil Service.

As a military spouse, you face lower paying jobs, less career potential, decreased promotion opportunities, and long-term negative effects on career progression, compared to your civilian counterparts. Hardships and stress on military spouses continue to grow, specifically in areas of landing rewarding employment. Your insights may offer valuable suggestions leading to important modifications in current hiring practices within U.S. Federal Civil Service agencies.

Details about programs that can help spouses find civil service jobs are available on websites like, USAJobs and Military OneSource. Learning about the experiences of military spouses who use those programs might assist other spouses in their attempts to get civil service or other jobs. Your feedback from trying to use those resources could help officials get better at helping spouses get those jobs.

Your ideas could help military spouses get employment. Interested in being a part of a research study that will describe military spouse’s experiences when attempting to obtain civil service employment? Help me study this subject by telling about your experience in a taped telephone interview. Email me at reberc3 (at) gmail (dot) com and I will e-mail you detailed information on the study.



Christine Reber lives in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania with her husband and children.She has worked in managerial and consultative positions in State and local government agencies for ten years. Formally married to an active duty Army service member Christine lived overseas and several stateside locations for 18 years in support of her spouse’s military career. She is well acquainted with the joys and challenges of the military lifestyle. Working on a doctorate in Management and Organizational Leadership, Christine hopes uncovering the experiences of military spouses when seeking Federal Civil Service employment may provide valuable information to government leaders.

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