Unsolicited Advice From the Grocery Bagger


I went to the grocery store yesterday. Just as I did Tuesday, Thursday and Friday of last week. Why on earth would anyone go to the grocery store four times in one week? Well, click here for a little background on Operation Empty Freezer. I'm pleased to report that I was the victor in Operation Empty Freezer. All but two pounds of ground beef have now been consumed and the freezer is indeed empty of the beef, poultry and fish. However, we still have some odds and ends like frozen spinach, pie crusts, rolls and cheese.

I was so focused on whittling down the food in the freezer, and the refrigerator, that I didn't foresee the problem that would be associated with achieving that goal too far in advance. I often find I don't have complete ingredients for something I want to make. For instance, I wanted to make a spinach-artichoke dish and close out the spinach in the freezer, but I had no artichokes. On to the grocery store. I wanted to make hash brown casserole but didn't have sour cream. On to the grocery store. You get the idea...

I'm beginning to think it might be best to just leave some things uneaten and give them away. Between gas prices and demands on my time, it's not worth my while to trek to and from the grocery store every other day. Besides, some of the grocery store employees are clearly less than mesmerized by my presence. Yesterday, one of the baggers, who admittedly I've seen too much of lately, couldn't resist sharing his talent for having  an incredible memory with me. When he handed me my one little bag, he quipped, "I see you in here all the time. You really should make a list."

Consider it done.


Go to another grocery store

That was easy.

Next.....   :)

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