Birthday, Minus One


That’s just the way it has to be.

Birthdays equal another year of precious life, and that is so important to celebrate. We’re not going to lament the situation or brood about it. Presents are tucked away, cards are hidden, plans for cake and a movie are planted at the top of my noggin'.

Mama’s not going to downplay it since daddy’s not here. According to my little girl, this birthday stands out since it’s the “first two-digit birthday that daddy is missing.” I never looked at it that way, but that’s a kid for you. She’s so excited and will be even more so when she sees what her daddy had me get her, and when she reads his card.

I’m also making a special deal of the day she gets her ID card. She hasn’t had one in five years. I fondly remember us taking her for her first one as a newborn. So adorable in her little seat getting her picture taken without a care in the world.  Now she’s going to insist on her hair looking nice and flashing a bright smile. Like mother, like daughter....

Lots of things are going on this month, despite the "minus one" part. They have to.

How many birthdays or other important dates has your spouse missed, and what have you done to make sure the celebrations are as special as they can be without mom or dad there?

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