"It's Home"


LAW explains so well why the shooting at Fort Hood shocks us to the core:

All of us in the milspouse world know at least one person who has been
there, is going there, or is there now. It hurts. Being on post is
supposed to be safe, it's home, it's where they understand our
language, where we can read the uniform and know who that is. It's the
known, no matter where we end up in the world, Post/Base, is the same.
There's the PX, there's the Commissary, there's HQ, there's the unit,
the orderly room, the theatre where you stand for the national anthem,
the flagpole where you face when retreat is sounded. Whether it's
AFSOUTH, or Belvoir, Bragg or Quantico, it's home. It's not supposed to
be dangerous; it's not supposed to be scary.

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