Fit Club: First Official Post


It's Friday, and I'm here. Yeah! It's been a crazy week, yet I've managed to fit some exercise in here and there. My scale hasn't noticed, and neither have my clothes, but I feel pretty good.It seems that I've put togethera nice variety of workouts that I might just be able to keep up with.

First, I've been walking a few times a week with a friend. I enjoy walking with others so much more than walking by myself!

As I mentioned before, I have been doing the Perfect Pushup workout. I remember when my husband asked for Perfect Pushups for Christmas (2007) and I thought it sounded silly. Then I watched as he did his push-ups every other day, never more than 8 minutes worth, and his body changed shape. A lot. It was amazing. It was so amazing that when he couldn't fit them in his sea bag and asked me to send them, I just went online and ordered him another set so that I could keep a set as well. Keep in mind, I have not been able to do pushups in a very long time. I began doing the workout on my knees and was so proud of myself that I could even do that. The workouts are fast, uncomplicated, and they seem to work. I am still doing the workouts on my knees but I can do pushups on my feet now, and it has only been about a month.

I was also able to try the Nikki Fitness video that airforcewife loves so much. (I finally figured out that I could play it on my computer.) I want to write more about it, but I think I should do it a few more times first.

I can't wait to hear how you've been doing, and hear your suggestions for different kinds of exercise that work for you. It's so nice knowing that I'm not doing this alone!

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