February's Challenge: Blissful Bathrooms


The March Challenge was posted last week (and I've already received some photos). Remember that you'll need to participate in all of the challenges from March-December in order to have a shot at winning the grand prize package, which is shaping up to be something, and we're only in the third month of the challenge. The prize package so far includes:

January: A wreath-storage unit, Christmas Card Register and Gift Wrapping Station

February: A $50 gift card to Bed, Bath & Beyond, a $25 gift card to Bath & Body Works and a beautiful, monogrammed cosmetics case

March: An XM Satellite Radio and a box of Car Cleaning Wipes

Can you imagine what the final package is going to look like? Our winner is going to be a very happy lady!

Click here to read the rules.

Lots of blissful bathrooms now, thanks to the February Challenge. Just take a look:

From Meg:

I'm so embarrassed by some of these "before" photos!

The first photo is what my bathroom cabinet looked like before the challenge began.

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I was shocked by how many duplicates of some products we had - the second picture shows the three mouthwashes we were hoarding (two of which were mostly empty).

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Someof the most concerning items we had were leftover expired prescriptions (mostly painkillers of varying strength) that were from at least 6-7 years ago. Aside from the prescriptions, most of the medicines/remedies we use for annual sicknesses (colds, etc.) like throat spray and antihistamines were long since expired.

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The third picture is ridiculous, I know - allow me to explain. My husband and I buy a brand of facewash that has three steps to it. Living in an extremely dry climate, we don't use the toner... ever. Why I have held onto every bottle from every three pack over the years is beyond me.

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And finally, the most embarrassing "before" picture. Because everything these days comes in packs, I had several "empties" littering my cabinet - yikes!

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The final product is a clean, organized cabinet (complete with some 'upstairs' cleaning supplies).

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Thanks for this challenge! It really helped me clean up my act!!

From Tootie:

I have no actual bathroom of my own, but I do have a considerable amount of bathroom supplies. So I completely went through them all and sorted them, then put them back in a way that was much more accessible and aesthetically pleasing.

What you can't see very well in the cubby-after picture is a small bag with all my non-everyday makeup, and a tub that holds smaller containers into which I sorted my jewelry. (Except for the necklaces, which you can see hanging at the back. Yay for my roommate having a spare corkboard and pushpins -- came in very handy.)





In the drawer-after picture, the shoebox in the lower left corner holds all my medicines and related items, while the huge ziploc bag on the right side is full of all my spare everything (except spare contact supplies, which got their own space). The little bag in the middle holds travel-sized versions of supplies.





And that tub on top of the microwave holds all the stuff that I need access to on a daily basis. It's kept on the microwave because, as you can see, the mirror is right next to it (yes, my dorm room is weird). Also, now that all of it is in one tub, I can even take it to the bathroom in the hallway if I need a bigger mirror/better light.





And yes, I included a picture of all the old/used/expired/broken things that warranted throwing out. Which of course included an expired bottle of pills and some ancient lipstick.


Anyway, I'm really thankful for this challenge -- I'll actually be able to FIND my things when I need them. Without digging around for ages. That's just ... an incredible thought. Seriously. (And it all looks a lot prettier!)

From Penny:

Whew! Thanks for this challenge, it actually made me unpack instead of having my stuff sitting around for the next couple of months hehe.

All my lotions & make up

13. before

After I got rid of the expired/ I haven't used these in years items. Kind of sad that I had held on to so many for so long, actually.


Cleaning products on a hidden side of the tub now.

Everyone in the home now has their own baskets with personal items, toothbrushes etc.


From Homefront Six, who got her act in gear when her in-laws were coming for a visit:

Bathroom 1

Bathroom 2

Bathroom 3

Bathroom 5

Bathroom 6

Bathroom 7

Bathroom 8

Bathroom 9

From LAW:

The baskets were from Bed Bath and Beyond - on sale even! Chief hates wicker, the metal ones rinse off really well if something spills. Below are the before and after pictures.

Bathroom 1

Bathroom 2

Bathroom 3

Bathroom 4

Bathroom 5

Bathroom 6

Bathroom 7

From Bobbie Jo:

Here are my bathrooms. I did refuse to buy anything since most of the stuff is new but I am a BIG fan of using what you have on hand & so I make it work.

Master Bath.




I love these baskets-they store extra toilet paper!


I have two of these racks one on each closet door.


The kid's bathroom.


For under their sink I used plastic shoe boxes for them.



The towels on the left are extra and the ones on the right are the kids-we color coded them except the blue is for the sink to match the colors in the bathroom.



We keep all the medicine in the kitchen. At the top is the stuff for the dog and then my husband and then mine. On my shelf I keep the OTC stuff.


From Vicky:

I went out and got a shelf to go behind the toilet because there just wasn't enough shelf space for my towels and blankets. I got a pretty shelf to go over the bathroom taps to give me more room to organize my makeup and perfumes. I had already cleaned out my medicine cabinet a couple of weeks ago and wow, they really was some old junk in there. LOL I bought an organizer for all my jewelry that was all over the place in the bathroom. You know, rings in every little dish and necklaces handing from every nob. Not anymore. I also put up a bunch of those little sticky hangers to use for all those extra thingys. The biggest change I made was buying a cordless water pic for my teeth. It takes up a lot less room than the old clunky corded one did.




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