Auld lang syne


Well, Andi's dancing the night away with her husband as are several others of you. Many of you are separated from your spouse and holding off on celebrating anything. And some of you are headed out to celebrate. Be safe, everyone!

We still have a few hours of 2008 left over here in the Pacific which has me contemplating the closing of this year. What were the high points of the year - the ones that I'll look back upon with fondness? What were the low points - the ones that I'll be glad to forget?

This year wasn't anything overly-remarkable. Which is just fine with me. After the last deployment, all I wanted in 2008 was boring.

I think, for me, the high point was heading to D.C. with my fellow SpouseBuzzers and having the opportunity to sit on the South Lawn and listen to the President speak. What an honor and what a great trip!

The low point was losing my Dad. Not much more you can say about that, is there?

So, for you, what were the high points...the things you don't want to forget? And what were the low points? And lastly, what are you looking forward to in 2009?

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