We're about ready to unveil the brand new, high-tech SpouseBUZZ Chat Room. We'll use this chat room to chat as a group during our radio shows, our SpouseBUZZ LIVE events and some other fun events that we're putting together right now. We'll be announcing details in the next few weeks.
You need to be invited to join the chat room because we want to be sure that we don't have unwanted chatters or spammers getting in our way. If you want to join our chat room, you'll need to let us know. Leave a comment in the comment section indicating that you want to become a member of our chat room, or send me an email. We will not send invites to anyone who doesn't request one.
You will receive an email invite and once you've accepted the invite, you'll no longer receive email. After you accept the invite, you'll be able to join our chat room as much or as little as you want. It's really that simple.
We'll be using our new chat room this Sunday evening at 9:00, so please join us, it's going to be fun. See you Sunday...