Roll with the Changes


I heard the song "Roll with the Changes" by REO Speedwagon yesterday and here are some words that I want to post about (the quote may not be exact, but I think it's pretty close):

"If you're tired of the same old story
Just turn some pages
And I'll be here when you're ready to
Roll with the Changes"

Then I got to thinkin about the words and my milspouse brain kicked in gear.

We all have times in our military lives when we feel stuck.  For whatever reason, life seems frozen on the same page for days, weeks, or months at a time.  How do we get out of this rut?  How can we make a change that will improve our well-being, or just make us a little bit happier?

Turn a few pages... it's up to us, as individuals and as family members, to look for a new page when things just don't seem to be going well.  The chapter may continue on the next page, but the situation may begin to change.  Or, we could find a whole new chapter awaiting us on the next page.  But if we don't take the chance at turning the page to see what's next, we will be stuck on the same page for a long, long time.  Turning the page can be hard... it may seem like there couldn't possibly be another page that could afford us new possibilities.

Take, for instance, Airforcewife's post about finding humor in some really tough times.  The pages we turn in our lives could be full of heartache... but there could also be humor and wonderful experiences awaiting us.  Unless we take that chance and turn the pages, we'll never know.

This post turned more philosophical than I intended, but I think I got my point across (metaphors are very helpful sometimes).  If I make no sense at all, please let me know so I can try better next time :)
Sometimes things sound better in my head and don't come out in words or writing quite as well.  But I hope you know what I mean by this post.

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