Soooo Busted


Upon my Mother In Laws suggestion I learned to adopt "Mother's Day Off" when my Dear Husband was deployed. 

It wasn't really a day off, it was more or less a day every couple of weeks, where we broke routine, and rested and played.   It was a day where pillows and blankets were thrown on the floor, and everyone including Mom got to stay in pajamas.    It was the easy meal days, cereal, sandwiches, macaroni and cheese, or something delivered to the house. 

I would suggest you try it, at least once...but...

I make this suggestion with one, minor warning.

It seemed that every time I would take a "Mother"s Day Off"...The doorbell would ring.  Of course I would answer it looking like a wild woman, still in pajamas at 2:00pm in the afternoon.  It would be a friend stopping by, or a neighbor selling something for school, the postman. 

They would back up, looking concerned for me, taking in the whole picture, pajamas, hair in a clippy on my head, no makeup..and they would offer...  "Are you OK?  I was just going by and thought we would stop by and surprise you with a visit".  I would jump into a monologue of sorts.

Explaining, that I  was not living in my pajamas, I just do do it  a couple of times a month. 

They always left "are  you sure?", and I would be left saying sure I am fine, we are good. 

One neighbor got so good at timing the visits they made, that they never recognized me when I was dressed normally, and had my make up on.  I would see them at the market, and I would greet them with a cheery "hello", only to see them looking confused and scrolling a memory bank deep in the recesses of their brain. 

I had to introduce myself to him every single time. 

So Mothers Day Off gets the thumbs up from me.  In fact, I still do it every once in a while. 

Just be prepared for company.  OH, and own at least one really darling set of pajamas to go to the door in!

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