What is it about the Best Laid Plans...


Oh yes, they go awry. 

We have been lucky enough to have my Mother In Law here for a visit.  (Note:  I really love my Mother In Law, I am a lucky girl)

She has made the visit for several reasons. 

1)To spoil the Grandchildren rotten.

2)To spoils Dear Husband rotten.

3)To spoil me rotten.

4)She was taking part, in the memorial bike run for the 39th Infantry Brigade's fallen.  Dear Husband and his Mother were looking forward to paying they're respects to these fallen soldier's tommorow. 

So Dear Husband, has been called into for an emergency mission for the last two days, with no signs of tapering off.    (Please know he had gotten caught up with his work, so he could spend every waking hour with his Mother.)  No such luck.

The best laid plans...

Story Continues

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