Weekly Workout: Weight Vest Leg Day

Members of Team Whiteman wear weight vests while taking part in an operator challenge workout at Whiteman Air Force Base, Missouri, June 9, 2017, to honor service members lost in a combat mission. (Airman Michaela Slanchik/U.S. Air Force photo)

Mixing in a weight vest or ruck of 30-40 pounds while doing calisthenics quickly can turn easy leg PT into a very challenging workout. Simply walking up and down stairs will become an event. Topping off a weight-vest cycle with a normal leg-day, weightlifting routine and a swim with fins or a ruck can prepare your legs for the rigors of your tactical profession.

Mixing in a weight vest or ruck of 30-40 pounds while doing calisthenics quickly can turn easy leg PT into a very challenging workout. Simply walking up and down stairs will become an event. Topping off a weight-vest cycle with a normal leg-day, weightlifting routine and a swim with fins or a ruck can prepare your legs for the rigors of your tactical profession.

Warm up with five minutes of cardio and leg stretching.


Run a 25-meter pyramid, 1-20:

  • One squat, run 25 meters
  • Two squats, run 25 meters
  • Three squats, run 25 meters
  • Keep going nonstop to 20

This equals 210 squats; the workout just got real.

Afterward: Walk up and down a flight of stairs 20 times with a weight or vest and ruck. Every fifth flight of steps, do a shuttle run of 4 x 25 meters. (You can take out the run and vest if you prefer to work on agility.)

Then hit the weights:

Repeat 4-5 times.

  • Squats 5
  • Deadlifts 5
  • Or leg press 10

Top it off with cardio that still works the legs.

Repeat five times.

  • Swim 200 meters with fins
  • Tread water with fins holding 20- or 25-pound dumbbells for one minute.
  • Or ruck 30-45 minutes with a weight vest.


Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you're looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to stew@stewsmith.com.

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