Workout of the Week: New Pyramid Workouts/Goal-Pace Run Challenge

Cpl. Brandon Gaddis, a digital wideband technician with Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Crisis Response-Africa, encourages his team members while doing push-ups during the Memorial Day Murph challenge at Naval Air Station Sigonella, Italy, May 30, 2016. (Cpl. Alexander Mitchell/U.S. Marine Corps photo)

Developing new workouts around the PT pyramid method is one of my favorite ways to get creative. The purpose of the PT pyramid: It can be defined as the perfect workout, because it has the first few sets as an easy dynamic warmup, a challenging middle of the workout as a maximum-effort section and the final few sets as a cooldown. The warmup, max-out and cooldown is built into the pyramid training method and works for countless methods; see some of my favorites.

Developing new workouts around the PT pyramid method is one of my favorite ways to get creative. The purpose of the PT pyramid: It can be defined as the perfect workout, because it has the first few sets as an easy dynamic warmup, a challenging middle of the workout as a maximum-effort section and the final few sets as a cooldown. The warmup, max-out and cooldown is built into the pyramid training method and works for countless methods; see some of my favorites.

My latest version of adds goal-pace running to the pyramid training method:

Start the workout with a 400-meter warmup jog/stretch.

This workout starts with a typical PT pyramid: one pull-up, two push-ups and then you do something else: run 400 meters. This workout works best on a track with a pull-up bar near the field. You also can do it indoors on a treadmill, or you can do it in a park with an outdoor pull-up bar. Mark off 400 meters for each run, as you will be doing a lot of 400-meter runs with a goal of doing it at a new goal pace.

Goal-pace run explained

If you run a seven-minute mile pace for a timed run (or 1.5-, two- or three-mile run) but want a faster goal pace of between 6 and 6:30, run each quarter at 1:30-1:35. This will get you closer to your goal of completing 1.5 miles in 9:00-9:30, two miles in 12-13 minutes and three miles in 18-19:30.

Set 1: 1 pull-up, 2 push-ups, run 400 meters at goal pace for a future timed run.

Set 2: 2 pull-ups, 4 push-ups, run 400 meters at goal pace for a future timed run.

Keep going up to 10 pull-ups and 20 push-ups, then complete your 10th set of 400-meter runs. This will be 2.5 miles of goal-paced running at this point. If you are fairly new to running, then this is a good stopping point, but keep working with this program to build up to the following completion of the pyramid: 1-10-1 (19 sets).

If you are able and are in this type of running shape (running five miles), repeat in reverse order for nine more sets. This will total 19 400-meter run sets at your goal pace. Work hard to maintain that pace: no faster, no slower. With the warmup run, you will have completed a total of five miles of running. Make sure you have progressed up to five miles of running before attempting this run workout out of the blue with little to no running foundation.

As you advance with this workout, add more distance per set; perhaps 800-meter runs, even mile repeats. So you do not have to do 19 sets of those, perhaps rotate an 800-meter or mile run set every 3-5 sets, focusing on your goal pace each time.

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you’re looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to

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