Workout of the Week: Max-Rep Sets PT with Challenges In Between

U.S. Marine Corps Gunnery Sgt. Eric Jude, the IMA maintenance chief with Headquarters & Headquarters Squadron (H&HS), Marine Corps Air Station (MCAS) Yuma, performs pull-ups as a part of a squadron Murph Challenge on MCAS Yuma, Ariz., May 26, 2021. (Cpl. Joseph Exner/U.S. Marine Corps photo)

The Classic 100, 200, 300 workouts have long been used as max-rep set workouts with the following exercises: pull-ups 100, push-ups 200, sit-ups/crunches 300. However, the newer, more popular version is named after Navy SEAL Michael Murphy in his honor, replacing sit-ups with 300 squats.

The Classic 100, 200, 300 workouts have long been used as max-rep set workouts with the following exercises: pull-ups 100, push-ups 200, sit-ups/crunches 300. However, the newer, more popular version is named after Navy SEAL Michael Murphy in his honor, replacing sit-ups with 300 squats.

The goal of the original version was to get the reps in as few sets as possible. In the following workouts, that is still the goal, but the “rest” between each set prolongs the workout and focuses on a variety of tactical movements that are even more important than the three PT exercises you select. 

Here is the workout of the week:

  • Warmup run: 1 mile, easy pace, stretch as needed
  • 100 pull-ups: You have 100 pull-ups to do in as few sets as possible, but between each time dropping from the pull-up bar, you have to do the following events:
  • Quarter-mile run fast or at goal mile pace (no weight)
  • 100-meter farmer walks carrying two dumbbells or kettlebells or equipment with a handle (40-50 pounds each) or 25% of your body weight in each hand.

*You cannot move onto the next exercise until the pull-ups are completed.

Special addition: 100 push presses with 40- to 50-pound sandbag or weight, resting with one-minute sit-ups -- with that weight on your chest each time you have to stop doing push presses.

*You cannot move onto the next exercise until the push presses are completed.

200 push-ups: You have 200 push-ups to do in as few sets as possible, but between each time stopping to rest at push-ups, you have to do the following events:

  • Quarter-mile run with weight vest, ruck or carrying sandbag over the shoulder.
  • Fireman carry 100 meters (split with partner) or farmer walks up/down flight of stairs five times.
  • One-minute plank pose

300 abs of choice: You have a two-minute limit to performing sit-ups, flutter kicks or other core exercise of choice, but between each two-minute set, you have to do the following events:

  • 100-meter walking lunges with 25- to 50-pound weight extended over your head (or rested on your head, if needed)
  • Bear crawl 50 meters

*You cannot move onto the run section until the abs of choice are completed.

Run one mile as best you can. Record your time. (no weight added)

Enjoy the workout. Get creative with your normal Murph or 100, 200, 300 workout and add in a variety of exercises and movements to prepare better for different events in your future training programs. For instance, the special addition to the workout (push presses) is just another exercise that often is seen in special-ops selection programs in the form of log PT. Plus, it is good to add exercises in as many planes or directions of effort as possible.

This workout as written would be considered a full-body day, and it is best to do a cardio-only or recovery/mobility day before or after such a workout for best results and recovery.

Stew Smith is a former Navy SEAL and fitness author certified as a Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) with the National Strength and Conditioning Association. Visit his Fitness eBook store if you’re looking to start a workout program to create a healthy lifestyle. Send your fitness questions to

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