Court Says Marine Porn No Big Deal


Sgt. Matthew W. Simmons took active duty leave from the Marine Corps Band to go star in some gay porno movies under the stage names "Christian Jade" and "Adam."

He got himself in trouble when he wore part of his Marines uniform in some of the videos and identified himself as a Marine in some "behind-the-scenes" footage shot alongside one of his movies. After guilty-plea convictions on several charges, Simmons took his case to the U.S. Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal appeals.

The court ruled that Simmons did not technically violate the ban on making commercial use of his uniform, even though he was paid $10K for his performances:

"We are also not satisfied, on the basis of this record, that the appellant’s statements or wear of uniform items may create an inference of service endorsement of the activities depicted. The appellant never wore a complete 'uniform,' so the general public could never receive 'visual evidence of the authority and responsibility vested in the individual by the United States Government.' He did not voice any Marine support for what he was doing or any service views on the propriety or impropriety of his conduct."

Aspiring military lawyers can read the entire decision here. We're not doing any linking here, but if you want to learn more about the details of Sgt. Simmons' budding film career, Gawker can hook you up with that. (via Suits & Sentences) Story Continues