The Greatest Fun You Ever Had in Playing Soldier


For the release of the G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra movie, Bam! Kapow! has put together a post featuring what it thinks are the best G.I Joe TV commercials all time. 

Paramount Pictures decided against screening the film for mainstream critics (usually a sign that a company thinks it has a dog on its hands), but this time the studio decided that the "chasm" between the negative reviews and box office success of Transformers: Rise of the Fallen suggested a different approach for a $170 million movie they believe in. G.I. Joe premiered at Andrews Air Force Base, sponsored this summer's Lynyrd Skynyrd/Kid Rock Tour and is being heavily marketed in heartland America while the studio is virtually ignoring New York and Los Angeles. 

If G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra succeeds without the publicity that comes from advance reviews, expect studios to pay even less respect to film critics in the future. Check in Monday for the results or give us your own review in the comments.

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