2016 Military Tax Statements Release Dates


People are itching to do their taxes, and you need your 2016 military tax statements to do your taxes.  (Yes, yes, I know.  People do their taxes with just their last Leave and Earnings Statements all the time.  But you shouldn't, and it isn't going to help you because you can't file until the end of the month anyway.)  So, when will those W-2s and 1099s be available?

Most military members and retirees will find their tax statements available for printing within their online myPay account.  Online access is the default setting for tax documents coming from the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS.)  If you are waiting for a hard-copy statement to come via the US Mail, then you will have to wait an extra week or two.

Current Serving or Recently Separated

Here are the dates that documents will be available online:

Active Duty Army, Navy, and Air Force W-2s:  21 January 2017

Active Duty Marine Corps W-2s:  12 January 2017

Reserve Army, Navy, and Air Force W-2s:  6 January 2017

Reserve Marine Corps W-2s:  12 January 2017

Travel Pay (for PCS moves):  31 January 2017

Military Voluntary Separation Incentive (VSI) or Special Separation Bonus (SSB) W-2s are not available online.  They will be mailed between 5-12 January 2017.

Troops that separated from the military in 2016 should still have access to their myPay account.

Retirees or Annuitants

Here are the dates that retiree and annuitant documents will be available online:

Retiree 1099R: 16 December 2016

Annuitant (SBP) 1009R: 15 December 2016

Health Care Form 1095

DFAS will once again be issuing forms proving that military and retirees have health insurance as required by the Affordable Care Act. Forms 1095B and 1095C will be available online 17 January 2017. You do not have to submit these forms with your income tax return, but you must indicate that you have appropriate insurance on your income tax return and maintain a copy of the form with your records.

For a full list of all the tax statements issued by DFAS, and their release dates, see the DFAS website.

Other great tax-related content:

From The Mailbag: Are Military Uniforms Tax Deductible?

Wait For Tax Statements Before You File

How To Report Tricare on Your Tax Return

How To Read Your W-2

What Is Income Tax Withholding and Why You Want To Get It Right

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