Internet Issues, Past and Future


Hi everyone!  I must apologize for the quiet on the blog.  We went on an actual trip and my internet connection was less than good.  Much less than good.  Now that we've returned to the land of the (relatively) reliable internet, I plan to jump back in with both feet.  In the next few weeks, there are going to be a few small changes going on around the back-side of the website.  Hopefully it won't impact what you are able to read, but just in case - it is temporary.  The Webguy Extraordinaire always fixes things faster than I even find the problem.

We've had a remarkable number of comments lately, which is fabulous.  This is supposed to be a community, not just my money-geek ramblings.  Please feel free to add your thoughts to the conversation.  I learn so many new things from my commenters!

And now, on to the real news!


Story Continues
PayCheck Chronicles