Movies on Base are Cheap!


If you live anywhere near a military base (or post), you really need to check and see if they have a movie theater.  Our family of six almost never goes to the movies as it is too darn expensive...I think we have seen each Harry Potter in the theaters and that is it.

That has all changed now that we live near a base.  Movies are cheap - $3.00 for adults and $1.50 for kids.  Even better yet, our base offers a punch card that is an amazing value:  12 movies on each punch card for the price of 10 movies, plus you get a free medium popcorn with every ticket.    We bought one adult punch card and one kids punch card for a total of $45.00, and we were able to get three family trips to the theater, including popcorn, and we still have tons of adult punches left over.

In addition, the movie theaters on base are a nice place to see a movie.  They are smaller, but the crowd is usually small, the people have decent manners, and you stand up to sing The National Anthem before the movie.  It is generally a positive experience.

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