23 Action Items


Don't you hate those articles that tell you to switch to generic toilet paper and stop buying overpriced coffees?  I see the purpose, because a lot of people don't realize that those things can save them money and also because it helps build a mindset of being thoughtful with your money.  But seriously, I'm looking for real, substantial steps to help chip away at debt.

Fortunately, DR at Dough Roller has put together a truly useful list of steps that you can take to get your debt under control.  I've used several of these steps myself, particularly step #1:  Put your debts on paper.  I can't emphasize that enough.  I don't know if it is the realization of seeing it all written down that motivates you to get moving, but it seems to help a lot.

DR includes lots of good action items in this timeless piece on debt reduction.  If you are looking for some new inspiration or a fresh perspective, this might be a good place to start.

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