Was There Really an Exorcism at Fort Bragg?

Sign at Fort Bragg
(Image: U.S. Army)

Director Osgood Perkins is set to begin production on a new horror movie called "Incident at Fort Bragg." The studio has announced that it's based on a real-life incident involving Catholic priest Malachi Martin and the time that the Army asked him to perform an exorcism on the base.

Martin was a famous guy back in the day, who used the popularity of "The Exorcist" to make himself the go-to expert on the subject for magazines and TV shows. The internet doesn't easily cough up any details about the Bragg incident and, so far, it's impossible to confirm the "based on a true story" angle here.

Oz Perkins, son of "Psycho" star Anthony Perkins, certainly has horror movie skills in his genes. After bouncing around with a mid-level acting career, he's made his name with the controversial horror pics "The Blackcoat's Daughter" and "I Am the Pretty Thing That Lives in the House."

There's no word on whether the production will be allowed to shoot on base, but here's a spoiler: No. They'll dress an abandoned convenience store in North Carolina or Georgia (depending on who has the best tax credit) and expect no one to notice the difference.

If there really was an exorcism on base at Fort Bragg that involved Martin, it would've taken place sometime between the early '60s and his death in July 1999. Do any of our readers have the dope on this? If so, please comment below and fill us in.

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