My friend Marcus (author of Lone Survivor) is a solid stand up guy. I was an instructor when both he and his twin brother (Morgan) came through the SEAL sniper course. The stories these brothers would tell us about growing up in Texas would have me and the staff in stitches (and no, I won't share!).
Tragic about his dog DASY, each letter stands for a fallen teammate and Marcus "Southern boy": Danny, Axe, Southern boy & Yankee. I was extremely sorry to hear about DASY getting fatally shot and killed by some young punks, but glad to hear that there's finally some resolution. I spoke with a close family member of Marcus's, who told me they didn't learn until the trial that the guys not only shot DASY, but got out of the car and beat her with a baseball bat until she died. One guy admitted guilt, the other one (who beat her with the bat) did not, but he was found guilty by the jury. The third didn't even show up to court. They are being sentenced in February with animal cruelty.
Part of me wishes Luttrell would have put a few rounds into the guys that did this (he had the chance), but what can you do. Here's the initial story, and see below for the update.
For additional info on this story, click here to follow it on
Here the latest interview on Fox News this Sunday morning.
Brandon out.
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