Zero Hour for Los Alamos


bomb_backlit.jpgJeez. As if things couldn't get any busier around here. Now the Santa Fe New Mexican is reporting that there's a winner in the monster fight to grab control of Los Alamos National Lab -- and its $2.2 billion per year contract.
"Department of Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman is scheduled to announce the winning contractor... at noon Mountain Time," according to the paper's Los Alamos blog.
A whole lot more than money is at stake here. If the Lockheed Martin-led team wins, some scientists worry, the nuclear lab's culture of innovation could be crushed. But if the University of California continues to run Los Alamos -- as it has since the days of the Manhattan Project -- the lab's seemingly-endless series of scandals may never stop. Stay tuned to the New Mexican's site, and to LANL: The Real Story, where lab insiders dish and vent hot.

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