
cody.jpgFor at least six months, military types have been talking up how great Warlock radio frequency jammers have been at stopping roadside bombs in Iraq -- and how few U.S. troops actually had the gagdets.
But the Army is getting wise. Back in December, they beefed up the $4.7 million Warlock budget by $42 million. Yesterday, Army vice chief of staff Gen. Richard Cody announced that the Army is "buying over 8,000 electronic jammers," according to the AFP.
The jammers are "no silver bullet" against the improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, Cody warned. But still, it's a good move; they've helped contribute to a 40 percent drop in IED casualties, the General said. Let's just hope the purchase doesn't have anything to do with the fact that the New York Times highlighted the Warlock shortage on page A1 a few weeks back.

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