
There's nothing wrong, of course, with a hairdresser having top-secret clearance at the world's most important nuclear weapons center. But it is kinda funny. From the Los Alamos Monitor:

Anthony Moya is a Q-cleared [top security rated] computer technician at Los Alamos National Laboratory by day and a highly skilled razor-blade-sculpting hairstylist at his own salon by night...
He remembers first discovering his interest and talent for hairstyling in the fifth or sixth grade... Moya's parents went out dancing on Saturday nights and Moya would look over his mother's coiffure and snip away any unruly hairs.
"Finally, my mother let me style her hair," Moya said. "I also trimmed my father's mustache and got them both ready to go out..."
Moya said while he continued to cut and style his family's hair throughout the years, the timing was never right to enter styling school to earn his formal styling license.
Over two years and 1,000 hours later, Moya received his certificate in barbering, passed the state board examination, and interned at an Espanola salon.
"The only difference between a barber and a cosmetologist is barbers shave and cosmetologists do nails," Moya said.
"Barbers have to learn to apply permanents, color, and blow dry hair, and use a curling iron. They also learn to perform facials. I am now certified in both barbering and cosmetology...
In 1979, Moya went to work at the [oft-troubled] plutonium facility at TA-55 as a materials technician and in shipping and handling... Moya now performs computer technician work at NMT-3 [the Nuclear Materials Technology division]...
"I'm just thoroughly enjoying life working at the lab and styling hair at the salon."

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