
Welcome, everyone, to the retooled and revamped Defense Tech. If you've visited before, you'll notice there have been a few changes around here. And they're all good, if you ask me. More about those in a second.
For those of you dropping by Defense Tech for the first time, here's what the site is about, in a nutshell: Technology is changing how wars are fought, crooks are caught, borders are protected, and individual rights are defined. Defense Tech is my attempt to stay on top of these developments, and present them clearly enough that you don't have to be a PhD or (too big of) a policy wonk to get a feel for what's going on. I'll keep up with the day's news, dole out links to little-known reports and information troves, and to try to give a bit of analysis of what's ahead.
From killer drones to roadside bombs, computer security to nuclear threats, body armor to missile defense, Defense Tech tries to look at the intersection of technology and defense from every possible angle. Soldiers and hackers, madmen and geniuses, inventors and dictators all of their exploits make it onto the site, sooner or later. And while the site is founded on a belief in technology's power to make progress, don't expect a lot of fawning, gee-whiz kind of coverage here. It ain't my style.
Now, for you Defense Tech recidivists, an explanation: After nearly two years of operating this site on my own, I've decided to team up with the fine folks at Military.com. And I couldn't be happier about the choice. I've been a daily visitor to Military.com for quite some time no one rounds up defense-related news and views better. But I've always been jealous of the site's slick design, and its almost bottomless well of features. No longer. It feels good to join a crew this bad ass.
In addition to the new design for Defense Tech, we'll be adding more features in the months to come. But starting today, readers can expect an expanded roster of news, tidbits, rumors, and analysis about the future of national security. We're also setting up a forum, so you can discuss the latest in military technology, defense news, and security trends. Expect more soon, including interviews with some of the key figures behind the changing face of defense.
Anyway, no matter how many times you've been here before, I'd love to hear what you think of Defense Tech 3.0. Let me know what you like, and what youd like to see done differently in the days ahead. Drop me a note at defense AT defensetech DOT org.
BIG UPS: As the site relaunches, I want to thank some of the people who have been instrumental in Defense Tech's development, and in getting me off my butt and blogging in the first place. That means you, Glenn Reynolds, Phil Carter, Joel Johnson, Clive Thompson, Alan Boyle, Josh Marshall, Nick Denton, Joe Katzman, Steve Gilliard, Xeni Jardin, Meryl Yourish, Mike Tronnes, Jon Stokes, Jeralyn Merritt, Brad DeLong, John Pike, Phil Anderson, Victoria Samson, Phillip Coyle, Jim Lewis, Steven Aftergood, Elizabeth Visceglia, Tom Shachtman, Carol Guber, Steve Tuttleman, Alex Roy, Lucas Sussman, Chuck, Wyatt Earp, Adam Rogers, David Miller, Jon Rochmis, Farhad Manjoo, Kourosh Karimkhany, Alison Macondray, Nick Schultz, Hylton Jolliffe, LB Deyo, Lefty Leibowitz, Paul Weismann, Matt Rechs, Greg Clayman, BC Wilson, Victor Ozols, Webster Mudge, and about a zillion other people I've thoughtlessly neglected to mention.
Lastly, a giant thank you to all of Defense Tech's readers, who've honored me with your clicks, your tips, and your rants. Keep 'em coming.

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