
The AP's Mike Sniffen has taken my suggestion and done a story of his own on LifeLog, the creepy Pentagon "diary" effort.
In Sniffen's piece, James X. Dempsey, of the Center for Democracy and Technology, sees a "silver lining" in the otherwise black program:

"If government weren't doing this, it would still be done by companies and in universities all over the country, but we would have less say about it." Because the government is involved, "you can read about it and influence it."

Peter Coffee, over at eWeek, writes about LifeLog's technical and business implications:
Declining costs of data collection, storage and analysis form a seductive force that encourages us to hope that we'll understand more if we collect more. But knowledge of your customer, and insight into customers' needs, has not suddenly become a proposition of quantity rather than quality.
DARPA's goals for LifeLog are only superficially similar to your goals in building a business intelligence system. Follow DARPA's example, and you'll be able to draw on the masses of data that tomorrow's technologies will allow you to collectbut unless that collection effort is guided by a creative vision of your business, the results will be either irrelevant or misleading. And it will be a futile exercise to try to apply your business vision after the fact to an indiscriminate archive.

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