KANDAHAR AIRFIELD, Afghanistan – Hundreds of International Security Assistance Force service members and civilians assigned here started the year with laughter at an entertainment show featuring comedians Tommy Davidson and Rob Maher.Maher kicked off the New Year’s Day event with a stand-up routine and expressed his personal appreciation to the troops and civilians.
“It’s really an honor to be here with you guys,” Maher said. “I know the hardest times … are the holidays. I appreciate the sacrifices you make and the sacrifices your families make. God bless you all.”
Davidson, who’s also appeared in movies and television shows, followed Maher with his own stand-up routine and had service members and civilians alike laughing throughout.
At the close of his routine, Davidson called Army Sgt. Natashia Hunter, a paralegal specialist with Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, 4th Infantry Division, to the stage for a special recognition for being promoted from corporal to sergeant earlier in the day.
“It means a lot when you have a celebrity take time out of their schedule to come here,” Hunter said.
Navy Chief Petty Officer Joseph Rice, an administration chief for Naval Central Command Forward Headquarters-Afghanistan, said he enjoyed the comics’ acts.
“It’s good to have comedians out here to get the troops laughing,” Rice said. “I don’t think we have enough laughter out here considering the environment, so it’s good that they get them out here and I hope they continue to bring comedians.
“It’s good for morale and for people relaxing -- laughing and coming out of their comfort zone,” he added.
Davidson and Maher signed autographs for service members and civilians after the show.