Navy 75-Day Leave Carry-Over Policy Extended


MILLINGTON, Tenn. -- The 2010 law that allowed Sailors to carry over up to 75 days of leave has been extended to 2015, per NAVADMIN 026/13, released Feb. 13.
The 2013 National Defense Authorization Act passed by Congress and signed by President Barack Obama in January, extended the expiration of the 75-day leave carry-over policy from Sept. 30, 2013 to Sept. 30, 2015. Afterward, leave carryover will be reset to 60 days and any leave balance in excess of 60 days will be lost.
Special Leave Accrual for servicemembers assigned to hostile fire or imminent danger areas, certain deployable ships, mobile units, or other duty remains unchanged and Sailors should review MILPERSMAN 1050-070 for more information.

Further extensions of the 75-day leave carry-over policy are not expected beyond 2015 and therefore, Sailors are encouraged to work with their chain of command to manage excess amounts of leave.
For more information, read NAVADMIN 026/13 available at the Navy Personnel Command website at or contact the nearest Personnel Support Detachment for clarification of the 75-day leave carry-over policy.

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