SpouseBUZZ Fit Club: Report In!

Okay, this last week will not help my thighs any.  On Easter Sunday I threw caution to the wind and ate whatever I felt like.  Yes, that means marshmallow brownies.  And egg rolls.  Oh, and somewhere in there some crepes.  It was EASTER, people!  I think I can hold it in again until 4th of July, though.  And wherever I am on July 4th, there will the buffet be also.

Okay, this last week will not help my thighs any.  On Easter Sunday I threw caution to the wind and ate whatever I felt like.  Yes, that means marshmallow brownies.  And egg rolls.  Oh, and somewhere in there some crepes.  It was EASTER, people!  I think I can hold it in again until 4th of July, though.  And wherever I am on July 4th, there will the buffet be also.

Also, today is AFG's birthday, and while I'm not eating any cake, he still wants to go out to eat somewhere, and I quote, "Yummy."  Which means I'll be taking the bun off my hamburger and ordering a side salad with it.  Even worse - Wednesday is my birthday (ack!  I'm getting old!).  I'm not sure how I'll manage to celebrate that with no sugar or flour.

Okay, now you HAVE to follow the jump, because I have something very cool to introduce you to!

Last week I received a new workout DVD.  And I received it just in time, too.  If you'll remember, I was having real issues staying in my routine because I was sick of the circuit training I had in place. 

Luckily, a military wife inspired a cure for that!

Nikki Fitness!

Nikki's got a GREAT video - it's not difficult (well, it can be difficult, but you choose your difficulty level), she doesn't use any complicated moves that are difficult to learn, she incorporates some yoga stretching at the end...  And did I mention she's created it for her friend, who was a military wife, too?

By working several muscle groups at a time, for example, we did lateral leg raises while also doing bicep curls, Nikki packed an effective workout into only 1/2 an hour.

LAW - when I saw that I was TOTALLY thinking of you!  Only.  1/2.  Hour.  That's it!  And after only a week substituting this video for my regular circuit training on MWF, I know it's working.  I can't see it yet, but my butt was so stiff after the first day I did this that I was walking around like I had on a pantsuit two sizes too small.

Luckily AFG gave me a good rub after my Wednesday circuit training and I could actually move yesterday...

Anyway, Nikki Fitness Military Wife Workout is available on Amazon.com - I REALLY urge you to check it out!

Oh, one word of caution... Nikki is absolutely gorgeous.  She really, really is.  If she wasn't also so nice, I might find myself growling at the screen fairly frequently.

To complete the Nikki Fitness workout, you provide your own music, something on the radio or IPod that you actually want to listen to rather than what a regular DVD will force you to listen to.  AFG was ever so sweet and made me a mix CD (isn't that the cutest?) to work out with.  I've submitted it to the military.com Fitness Center Playlist , so hopefully you'll be able to see it there soon.  I won't give it all away, but I can let slip that "Pretty Fly (For a White Guy)" makes an appearance.  I'll also be submitting a yoga music play list soon.

Finally, two more things about Nikki - she has a fitness column on military.com,  and she will also be answering some fitness questions for us about once a month now!  She's adopted us!  YAY! 

This week I followed up the Nikki Fitness circuit training with my usual Latin Dance, but I also started doing the Hustle.  Yes, I totally did start doing the Hustle.  I had forgotten how much fun '70's dancing was!  I even did the Funky Chicken!  I must have looked totally ridiculous, but my waist is definitely showing the results. 

Question of the week - What are your favorite songs to work out to?