Pets for Patriots Program

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Active duty Retiree Veteran Reserve/National Guard

Pets for Patriots helps servicemembers and veterans find at-need pets for adoptions. Benefits of being a Pets for Patriots member include pet training/retraining, ‘day one’ essentials or adoption fee discounts, discounted pet care, and $150 contribution via gift card to upon your eligible adoption. Special arrangements can be made for veterans without access to the internet. Pets for Patriots will provide benefits for one eligible pet per approved applicant.

Any current or former member of the U.S. military may apply to Pets for Patriots to become a member Patriot, and joining is free. We accept applications from men and women at all stages of their military careers: active, reserve, inactive reserve, veteran, retired and National Guard. For more details, visit the Pets for Patriots site. Disclaimer provides discount information as a service to our members. We make every effort to ensure accuracy but are not liable for the availability of discounts provided by a third party. Discounts may vary by location. As an affiliate partner of some discount providers, may earn from qualifying purchases. The discount provider may track how you navigated to their site, but we do not share personal information with them.