Discount/Upgrades on DIY/Hardened Prefab Home Kits

Online & in store
Active duty Retiree Veteran Reserve/National Guard Dependent

We offer discounts and free upgrades on our building Kits to act­ive duty ser­vice mem­bers, vet­er­ans, and their fam­il­ies. Up­grades include bal­list­ics res­ist­ance, tor­nado/flood resistance, and more. Want to keep your fam­ily safe & se­cure from: natural disasters, wildfire or tornado, civil unrest? You can: DIY and build your own house, and harden/for­ti­fy your home with our Pre­fab Fer­ro­ce­ment Kits. Disclaimer provides discount information as a service to our members. We make every effort to ensure accuracy but are not liable for the availability of discounts provided by a third party. Discounts may vary by location. As an affiliate partner of some discount providers, may earn from qualifying purchases. The discount provider may track how you navigated to their site, but we do not share personal information with them.