The Best and Worst Departments to Work for Now

Thanks to the stimulus package, many sectors of government are seeing a huge boost in job creation. On the other hand, some departments are having massive layoffs. Straight from the headlines to you, an index of sectors and areas that are hiring, and a list of states and departments that are laying people off.

Thanks to the stimulus package, many sectors of government are seeing a huge boost in job creation. On the other hand, some departments are having massive layoffs. Straight from the headlines to you, an index of sectors and areas that are hiring, and a list of states and departments that are laying people off.

Nobody, not even the administration, is able to predict the exact number of jobs created in the government in each area. What we can do, however, is take bits and pieces from current events and legislation, to form an educated estimate.

The Best and Worst Departments to Work for Now