How to Stand Out When Working from Home

Home-based work, once seen as an ideal work arrangement for military spouses and service veterans, has now become extremely appealing to individuals in various work/life situations. (Adobe stock image)

Today's current economy has people across the country worrying about their job security or how the next mortgage bill is going to get paid. Home-based work, which was once seen as an ideal work arrangement for groups such as military spouses and service veterans, has now become extremely appealing to individuals in a variety of work/life situations.

Today's current economy has people across the country worrying about their job security or how the next mortgage bill is going to get paid. Home-based work, which was once seen as an ideal work arrangement for groups such as military spouses and service veterans, has now become extremely appealing to individuals in a variety of work/life situations.

As a result of more and more people turning to home-based jobs in order to supplement their current income or replace lost income, the home-based, customer-care job market has become much more competitive than it was just a few years ago.

Arise Virtual Solutions, a leader in virtual customer contact services with more than 8,000 agents and several Fortune 50 clients, has recently seen a large influx of applicants interested in becoming home-based, customer-care agents.

While Arise is continually looking for agents with special skills such as being bilingual in Spanish or French, more applicants often are available than positions available. However, Arise strives to screen and certify the best talent it can find, which means that qualified, motivated and diligent home-based workers will likely find a customer service, technical support or sales assignment that works for them.

Because more people than ever before are working as home-based agents -- hundreds of thousands -- success is reliant on being a top performer. At Arise specifically, top performing Arise certified professionals (ACPs) can partake in the following advantages:

  • Top performing agents may select their work hours before others, enabling them to choose the best/busiest hours, as well as those which fit best into their schedules.
  • Along with getting better hours, top agents also have the opportunity to earn more in commissions. Clients want to reward those agents who provide their customers with the best possible service.

Becoming what is considered a top performer may take some time as you learn the ropes, but there are some key tips that you can follow to help you along:

Virtual Professionalism

As a remote worker, your typing and phone skills are of utmost importance -- for both speed and accuracy. It is imperative to create a "virtual reputation" of utmost professionalism, so be mindful of your communication skills in a home-based work arrangement. They will take you a long way.

Show Commitment and Flexibility

Companies want to reward workers who "buy into" what they are selling and truly believe in the organization's mission. Especially in the beginning, be flexible and show that you are in it for the long haul.

Be Available

Sometimes, the most lucrative home-based work hours can be those that are inconvenient to most -- nights, weekends or the third shift. Show you are willing to work these hours to demonstrate that you value the flexibility of working from home.

If you follow these basic guidelines, you will not only stand out as a home-based professional, but you will reap direct rewards through potentially higher compensation and a greater likelihood that additional opportunities will be presented to you.

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