What George Washington's and Abraham Lincoln's Resume Might Look Like

Battle of Princeton: In the background, American Gen. George Washington and Dr. Benjamin Rush enter the scene (PD-US)

Two of our best-known presidents are first president and Founding Father George Washington and our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, who is credited with freeing the slaves and working toward reuniting a nation torn apart by the Civil War.

Two of our best-known presidents are first president and Founding Father George Washington and our 16th president, Abraham Lincoln, who is credited with freeing the slaves and working toward reuniting a nation torn apart by the Civil War.

What would these two men's resumes look like? To find out, we asked Monster resume expert Kim Isaacs to take a stab at putting them together.

You can see Washington's resume here and Lincoln's resume here.

Related: For the latest veteran jobs postings around the country, visit the Military.com Job Search section.

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