4 Tips to Make Your Military Transition Go Smoother

Once a military member is discharged and reenters the civilian world, it can be a total shock to the system. Things in the civilian world are not as they were in the military world. Thus, it can take some time to get used to how things are run, especially when it comes to employment. This is a problem for many vets, and that is why many vets who enter into civilian employment are often seen jumping from one job to the next in order to feel settled.

Once a military member is discharged and reenters the civilian world, it can be a total shock to the system. Things in the civilian world are not as they were in the military world. Thus, it can take some time to get used to how things are run, especially when it comes to employment. This is a problem for many vets, and that is why many vets who enter into civilian employment are often seen jumping from one job to the next in order to feel settled.

Challenges in Transitioning

One of the biggest challenges that veterans face when they become a civilian again are the mindsets of those who are in the workplace with them. Vets are used to a mindset that is about getting the job done, rather than socializing.

After all, there were things to do every day in the military, no matter how small they were. One of the reasons many vets are unable to keep a civilian job is due to how civilians may work. In many workplaces, the employees joke around a lot, they may push work onto others and do not take responsibility for their actions.

Another challenge that many vets face is getting used to the hours in which the civilian workplace may work. Most vets went to work early in the morning with the military and came home late at night. At times of war, the hours were different.

But when the vet transitions to civilian life, they may find themselves only working for a few hours at a time, or they may start working a straight night shift. In these cases, the vet may feel as though they are missing out on many things in life because of the odd hours they may work.

How to Transition

There are no set rules on how to transition into civilian employment for a vet. There are only suggestions that a vet can take and make these work for them. A few of these suggestions include:

  • Try to get hired with a company that hires other vets; this can make you feel more at home in the workplace.
  • Realize that there are going to be slackers where you are employed and try very hard to avoid letting this annoy you.
  • Find a job that is closely related to what you did in the military, so that you are more comfortable.
  • Try to control your anger or temper toward those who are not doing things in a way that you find appropriate. Remember this is not the military, and you may not have the rank to be the leader in your civilian position.

Transitioning into civilian employment is easier for some vets than it is for others. There are several reasons for this, including how long the person was in the military, their position there and the like. However, no matter what may be the hang-up a vet has over civilian employers, they will find that if they are determined to make it, they will overcome any potential obstacles.

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