This Trait Can Determine Whether Your Military Transition Is Successful

Civilian career success is often achieved through your initiative. (Adobe stock image)

During your military career, the path to promotion and success likely has been pretty clearly defined for you. Over the last however many years you have served, you had a good idea about expectations in each billet you filled, your fit-reps provided an accurate depiction of your performance level and you were relatively well-versed about what was required for promotion and when you would be "in-zone."

During your military career, the path to promotion and success likely has been pretty clearly defined for you. Over the last however many years you have served, you had a good idea about expectations in each billet you filled, your fit-reps provided an accurate depiction of your performance level and you were relatively well-versed about what was required for promotion and when you would be "in-zone."

There was very little left about which to speculate.

However, as you look ahead to your career transition into the civilian sector, we are here to tell you that those days of crystal-clear career progression are behind you. The civilian job market (for better or worse) is exceedingly malleable and your success and advancement within this new working world is almost entirely what you make of it.

Understanding this fact will be your best first step to a successful career transition, because your initiative is going to determine your future career success. Right now, the choices for your next career path are essentially limitless.

And unlike the structured world in which you are used to operating, they will likely remain exceedingly flexible throughout your civilian career. Gone are the days when an individual accepted a position with one company and retired from that same company years later with a gold watch and a comfortable pension plan.

And while that lack of uncertainty might seem a bit scary at first, let us assure you that it is one of the greatest aspects that you are going to encounter as you enter the civilian working world.

Why? Well, because you truly have the ability to devise a career path that is unique to you -- that effectively utilizes all of your strengths, fulfills your interests and drives your passion. The challenge? Deciding what that is and taking the initiative to make it a reality.

Civilian career success is achieved through your initiative in defining your ideal career fit, pursuing it with vigor and continually assessing your best next steps/options.

Start today by taking the initiative to really define your work-related priorities. Make sure that they are reflected in the opportunities that you are considering. And then know that your ongoing success will be defined by you in whatever terms you choose each and every step of the way.

Lead Star, LLC was founded by Angie Morgan and Courtney Lynch, best-selling authors of the business book "Leading from the Front." Lead Star teaches leadership based on Angie's and Courtney's experiences as Marine Corps officers, private sector professionals and entrepreneurs.

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