Finding the Courage to Commit to a Career

Examining career goals periodically and altering goals to eliminate or minimize the negatives is a good strategy. (Courtesy photo)

Career decisions can be hard to make. Here are some "courage builders" to keep the dream of productive, fulfilling employment alive.

Career decisions can be hard to make. Here are some "courage builders" to keep the dream of productive, fulfilling employment alive.

1. Don't Worry About All the Ducks.

Most successful people get their first jobs with only a general idea of their career goal, and with only some of the skills needed to succeed. They ask people in the field for directions on where to turn, and when they can't get crystal clarity about career goals within a reasonable amount of time, they keep trying.

Getting everything perfect is much less important than engaging in the job search process. Clarity comes with time.

2. The Trapeze Artist

Even if a proposed career goal makes sense, there is probably nervousness at the moment of decision, because it's unclear whether things will work out.

This is the moment every trapeze artist knows well. Letting go of the bar, though, is part of the act. Many career shoppers can also feel vulnerable but often shop for new careers, because they cannot accept the status quo. Letting go, in this case, makes sense.

3. Keep Tweaking Career Goals.

Examining career goals periodically and altering goals to eliminate or minimize the negatives is a good strategy. For instance, business owners who are lousy salespeople may need a partner or other businesses to market products.

4. Gather Information.

Information eliminates unknowns, and that can help reduce the anxiety associated with career change. Pre-market research is crucial. Test ads online and in local newspapers, do cold calls and pulse potential customers.

5. Less Radical Career Options

Here are five ways to reduce stress about new career choices by taking interim steps:

  • Tweak your current job. Many people who think they need a new career change bosses and/or their attitude, renegotiate their responsibilities or improve their skills.
  • Find a new job in your current career. Maybe a different organization's culture can cure workplace woes.
  • Find a different niche in your current career. Sick of being a biologist in a lab? Try field-based biology.
  • Stay in the same industry but change job titles. Or change industries but keep the same job title.
  • Find more meaning outside of work. Pursue a hobby that allows for self-expression or do volunteer work.

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