9 Must-Read Books on Military Transition

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While you probably have all the information you could possibly want for your transition needs right here on Military.com, sometimes you like holding a book in your hands. We get that. Reading the guidance in the form of a book clicks for certain people.

While you probably have all the information you could possibly want for your transition needs right here on Military.com, sometimes you like holding a book in your hands. We get that. Reading the guidance in the form of a book clicks for certain people.

With that in mind, we have compiled a list of books related to military transition (along with some reader feedback on these books from Amazon.com) that should be very useful on your journey into the civilian world.

"The Military Advantage" by Terry Howell

Sure, we're a little biased, but we recommend "The Military Advantage: The Military.com Guide to Military and Veterans Benefits." The book is updated annually and covers scholarships, educational benefits, home-loan guarantees, military discounts and more. Reviewers refer to it as "a terrific resource" and "a single reference book with essential information for all service members."

"Your Next Mission" by Lida D. Citroen

"Your Next Mission" is a branding guide for the military to civilian transition, and it helps to clarify the job-search process for veterans. The book includes interviews with business executives, transitioned veterans and veteran advocates. Those who have reviewed the book say that they enjoy the exercises included and the straightforward approach that the book takes to helping build your brand.

"Barracks to Boardrooms" by Byron Y. Chen

"Barracks to Boardrooms" is a guide for negotiating salary after the military. The book addresses concerns related to salary negotiations, such as ensuring you negotiate in a way that doesn't cost you the job or negatively affect your relations with the company or hiring manager. Reviewers say they've used the book for successful bonus and commission negotiations, and note it is valuable no matter what stage of your career you are in.

"Out of Uniform" by Thomas Wolfe

"Out of Uniform" covers the "nuts and bolts" of the career search for veterans, including how to prepare a resume and prepare for the interview process. The book discusses the various types of interviews and is meant to also help with the mental process involved in the job search. Reviewers say they continue to find it useful even after they have been out of uniform for some time, and add that it's "a must-have for anyone in the service even remotely considering separation or retirement."

"PCS to Corporate America" by Roger Cameron, Chuck Alvarez and Joel Junker

"PCS to Corporate America" is a workbook and reference book that analyzes the array of questions you may find in an interview. It offers advice for adapting your military background into a company's culture and provides tips on resumes, dress and more. Reviewers of this book say it's a great reference for officers (as the target is the junior military officer), although most of the content is helpful regardless of rank or status.

"Networking for Veterans" by Michael L Faulkner, Andrea Nierenberg and Michael Abrams

"Networking for Veterans" claims to be the first transition book written by an Iraq or Afghanistan veteran and specializes in networking for returning veterans. The book covers networking advice such as how to overcome the fear of communicating, how to build a network of contacts and more. Reviewers say this book's advice is more targeted to veterans than what you would receive in school.

"Down Range" by James D. Murphy and William M. Duke

"Down Range" is a guide to developing a post-military career. It focuses on the short and long term, and covers developing a career plan, how businesses differ from the military and how to take action to achieve your career goals. Each chapter ends with a debriefing section. Reviewers say it's an especially useful resource for veterans who have spent their lives in the military and may feel overwhelmed with the lack of a straightforward career track in the civilian world.

"Military to Federal Career Guide" by Kathryn Troutman

"Military to Federal Career Guide" had to be included in this list, considering the high number of veterans who go into governmental jobs. The book covers resume and interview tips tailored to attaining a government job, along with samples for you to work with. Reviewers have pointed out the book's case studies as especially helpful and say they have seen real-world results after applying the lessons from this book.

"Military Veterans in Creative Careers" by Justin Sloan

"Military Veterans in Creative Careers" provides advice for veterans interested in pursuing their creative passions when they exit the military. In addition to advice on breaking into television, movies, video games and publishing, the book includes interviews with working veterans in these sectors.

The book was written by the author of this article and shares its name with a podcast that covers the same topics. Reviewers say that this book is great for veterans and non-veterans alike, and provides "incredible insight and inspiration."

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